Atheists least likely to divorce in U.S.
Ron Barrier, Spokespersonn for American Atheists remarked on these findings with some rather caustic comments against organized religion. He said:...
Ron Barrier, Spokespersonn for American Atheists remarked on these findings with some rather caustic comments against organized religion. He said:...
A neat article by Carl Sagan Sometimes I dream that I’m talking to my parents, and suddenly — still immersed...
Sony has decided to stop selling the low-end version of PlayStation 3 in North America citing lack of interest as...
Lovecraft as Debunker To begin with, it’s clear that Lovecraft himself had no belief whatsoever in the occult. As a...
Here’s 2 of them: Geeks don’t shock easily Geeks have seen all the porn you can imagine and then some,...
Netcosm is one of many technology projects underway in the NetQoS Performance Labs and is one example of research on...
Net neutrality advocates regularly point to traffic shaping as a concern since they fear that Rogers could limit bandwidth to...
Pac-Man without the pizzazz. An evil-smashing basketball player. Sex and violence in all the wrong places. And our number one...
Found some interesting results on Google Maps which get me thinking that one or two developers over there might be...
Given the concern about the future viability of Internet radio in the U.S., there has been mounting speculation that some...