Where’s Wormy?
So, Captain America’s dead now? Big deal. Like that’s ever stopped anyone in comics. Who cares about Captain America? …...
So, Captain America’s dead now? Big deal. Like that’s ever stopped anyone in comics. Who cares about Captain America? …...
This is really a good laugh, French or English version. Quote, “The gardner is finished trimming your bushes.” http://www.seemoresideeffects.ca/
I really have nothing much to say but it’s nerds getting it on. A bit of a spectacle I’m sure....
Ever wonder why chess was so popular? No, okay so maybe you didn’t like to figure out the rules. What...
Heh, I like the “much, much more” line. Some suggestive undertones, maybe? Caribbean Soul Our adult sailing charters are for...
Yikes, they’re pretty nasty…. Ship of Fools: The Laugh Judgment A man ran through a crowded train looking very agitated,...
Cool stuff. Should have been left in. Luke’s Original Intro Anchorhead/ Biggs’s Return Biggs and Luke
Delightful commentary by a moderate conservative blogger. Jon Swift: Conservapedia I am astonished by all of the things I have...
Now closed… kind of a boring video too. YouTube – Kent and Us – The Lost World of Dinosaur Adventure...