US neocons hoped Israel would attack Syria

Well, no big surprise here. Did US want Israel to attack Syria? | The White House, and in particular...

Cool/creepy vintage ads

Yikes! My PC sense is tingling, along with other parts of me. Vintage ads

Condemning Comic-Con Costumes

Hogwarts wannabes A robe plus a stick does not equal a costume. I haven’t seen the latest Harry Potter movie,...

Baiters Teach Scammers a Lesson

They pilfer nearly $200 million from Americans annually and drive some of their victims to suicide, but Nigeria’s notorious e-mail...

“mylo” Could Be Your High

Sony has a definite knack for making ultra-cool looking gadgets, and the new mylo “personal communicator” (despite the annoying all-lower-case...

Why the wingnuts hate Plan B

Pharyngula: Why the wingnuts hate Plan B There has been an oddly evasive struggle going on in Washington DC for...

Make yourself popular

Too bad this isn’t for Canadians… I could stand to be a little more popular. * popularity dialer Have you...

After Fidel

Castro has survived nine U.S. presidents, the collapse of his Soviet benefactor, and four decades of American attempts to undermine...

Hate mail of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

your god is a homo “bobby, where do you live because me and my freinds are going to come and...

Beer Can Chicken: Is beer necessary?

The thigh meat, as expected, tasted exactly the same on both birds. The breast meat was juicy (but not as...