Bush admin. can’t stop Oregon suicide law

The Bush administration cannot stop doctors from helping terminally ill patients end their lives under the nation’s only physician-assisted suicide...

Did Spielberg copy from Lantos?

Does Spielberg’s latest effort, Munich, borrow too heavily from an 1986 HBO film based on the same source material called...

Suspended Spherical Tree Houses

From the “Cewl Architecure Dept.”: more_info The concept borrows heavily from sailboat construction and rigging practice. Itâ..s a marriage of...

“Kong” spectacular, deals with unavoidable racial themes

I finally got out to see this film. More specifically, I finally convinced R to go see the film, and...

Spielberg DVDs improperly encoded in UK

From Jaws and Close Encounters through to War of the Worlds, Steven Spielberg movies have rarely had trouble connecting with...

ACTRA Members rally for homegrown product

A group of Canadian celebrities turned out to raise the alarm for cultural sovereignty and to call on the party...

Oscar taps Altman for honorary nod

Robert Altman will receive an honorary award at the 78th annual Academy Awards. Altman has received five Oscar nominations for...

Michael Bay to direct “Transformers”?

Oh God, no! Transformers update: footage fake, but Bay’s totally stoked – Cinematical According to Bay, the last six months...

13 most corrupt members of congress

And there’s even 2 Democrats listed… Beyond DeLay :: 13 Ethically Challenged Members of Congress Over the past year, the...

The Impeachment of George W. Bush

Finally, it has started. People have begun to speak of impeaching President George W. Bush–not in hushed whispers but openly,...