Star Wars Plush Ornaments

Nothing says X-mas like Star Wars. Always thought Darth Vader was getting a little soft… ThinkGeek :: Star Wars Plush...

New blog style

I’ve been testing out Movable Type 3.2’s new StyleCatcher plugin, which allows you to change styles at the drop of...

Intel Delivers New Era for Virtualization

Delivering the industry’s first hardware virtualization support for desktop PCs, Intel Corporation debuted new processors today that offer businesses improved...

Magic or Science?

I don’t usually post cartoons, but thought this one might be appropriate, what with the debate over ID heating up,...

Upgrade to MT 3.2

I figured it was time to take the plunge. I bought MovableType 3.2, and got it installed on my webserver....

Banned Video Clips

Exploding zombie heads, orgy scenes and Madonna being, well, Madonna. It's the stuff that was too gross, too raunchy or just too sick for you to see. All these clips have been banned by someone, somewhere. But we've got 'em all their uncensored glory. [banned_video.jpg]

Evolutionists Are Wrong (with respect to copyright law)!

Where are the copyright liberals when right-wing conservatives need us? Last week, the National Academy of Sciences, or NAS, joined...

Voters oust 8 supporters of intelligent design policy

Voters ousted eight Republican school board members who backed a statement on intelligent design being read in biology class, replacing...

US museums take on “intelligent design” in evolution shows

US museums are going where schoolteachers are increasingly wary to tread, with a series of exhibitions championing evolution at a...

Virus Writers Exploit Sony Anti-Piracy Software

Anti-virus maker Sophos is reporting that it has spotted an e-mail going around that tries to exploit the controversial file-hiding...