Rewriting the history of the Neanderthals

Pity the poor Neanderthals, who had the misfortune of being discovered at the time Darwin was evoking the outrage of...

Handbook Educates Bloggers on Achieving Anonymity Online

A Paris-based media watchdog has set its sights on helping anonymous bloggers avoid Internet censors in countries like Iran and...

New evolution spat in U.S. schools

A new battle over teaching about man’s origins in U.S. schools goes to court for the first time next week,...

Spamming the Spammer with Spam (?)

I hate getting spammed by SPAMIS. Looks like a newsletter, but it’s just crazy anti-micro$oft gripes. Not that anti-micro$oft gripes...

Perry Fellowship Bible

And here I thought this was going to get all religious on me. Nice warped comix. perry_fellowship_bible.jpg

The flagging empire

By PAUL WILLIAM ROBERTS All the television pictures from New Orleans of water with people and houses under it certainly...

Beauty products from the skin of executed Chinese prisoners

A Chinese cosmetics company is using skin harvested from the corpses of executed convicts to develop beauty products for sale...

Going Digital

Installed a new digital thermostat this morning. I figured it might end up saving me energy in the long run...

Science museums live by the rules of science

Lenore Durkee, a retired biology professor, was volunteering as a docent at the Museum of the Earth here when she...

Urban Legend: Louisiana governor Kathleen Blanco refused President Bush’s pleas to declare an emergency

False. Sorting out who should have done what, and when, to head off the disaster in New Orleans produced by...