Squeezing jello in Iraq

The much-anticipated US-led offensive to seize the Iraqi city of Falluja from anti-American Iraqi fighters has begun. Meeting resistance that,...

Bush should push election reforms

The lesson of the 2004 election is that we still haven’t fixed our democracy. While our post-election limbo lasted less...

Man commits suicide at ground zero, reportedly distraught over Bush’s re-election

A 25-year-old from Georgia who was apparently distraught over President George W. Bush’s re-election shot and killed himself at ground...

World: Mixed Reviews For Bush

European leaders urged President Bush to work closely with America’s allies on issues like terrorism and the environment in his...

Gay marriage is resoundingly rejected in 11 states

In a resounding, coast-to-coast rejection of gay marriage, voters in 11 states approved constitutional amendments Tuesday limiting marriage to one...

Voting without auditing. (Are we insane?)

Public Records Request – November 2, 2004 From: Black Box Voting To: Elections division Pursuant to public records law and...

Kerry concedes, White House aide says

Democratic Sen. John Kerry phoned President Bush on Wednesday to concede the presidential election, a White House aide said. President...

Angry about the lost votes of 2000, black Florida town has strong turnout

Anger over the lost votes of 2000 is still simmering in this mainly black town of south Florida, where voters...

The Real ‘October Surprise’

The spectral image that has haunted this presidential campaign finally surfaced last weekend on television with an attack ad of...

George W Bush and the 14 Points of Fascism

In “Fascism Anyone?,” Dr. Lawrence Britt, a political scientist, identifies 14 characteristics common to fascist regimes. His comparisons of Hitler,...