
Found this at Chapters on King+Weber. Looks like they’re prepping for the zombie apocalypse. Now you can, too.

Coffee and Breakfast

It’s Friday, and that means breakfast at 1842. Going to read a book, maybe play a little Freecell on the...

Nobody puts baby in a corner

It was pretty hot today. Apparently, the cat found the spot with the perfect temperature, between the basement and the...

Friday Golfing

Great way to spend a Friday. I was doing better until the beer girl came by.

Coke Taste Test

I had the opportunity to see first-hand how the different Coke formulations vary from region to region. A friend who...

At the Jazz Room

Nothing happening yet, but the Light of the East ensemble will be up shortly.

Nice Day for a Ride

Was time to take the bike to work. Normally I go to the gym first thing, and that means bringing...

How to order coffee without looking like an asshole

The trick is to not have a sore throat, and to not cough discreetly while the barrista is busy elsewhere....

Vigour Balls?

Another great candy from China. These look like they taste better than the treasure-flavoured olives. Update: They don’t taste much...

Mostly Rotten

Kind of a sorry state of movies these days. Are any of these worth seeing? How about “John Carter?” Any...