
I’ve been eyeing these pitchers for years now, but could never justify spending $40 for one. Now they’re on sale...

Too Much Bacon

I never thought I’d utter these words, but 1842 gave me too much bacon for breakfast — about 15 rashers...

Sunday Brunch

Decided to brunch at 1842 for a change. I had to drop some things at the office, and didn’t feel...


And roast beef. Again, Robbie Burns Day.


The perfect accompaniment for a Robbie Burns dinner.

Artist at Work

Looks like they’re updating the board over at the King and Weber Starbucks.

Sound Booth

At the Registry Theatre for a DownHips bellydance recital. Looks like some talented people are dancing tonight. No photography for...

The BatCat

The cat always likes to perch on things. Sometimes it’s a bit unnerving when you walk into a room, and...

Breakfast at 1842

Having a quick breakfast before work. Not very busy here. But the food’s pretty good. I’m looking over at the...

Picture from Tobago

Here’s what we saw from the deck of the guest house. Golf course and ocean beyond.