True North, Strong and Free

The Long Dark is a fantastic game. There’s something so Canadian about ending up nearly dying in a cold, unforgiving...

Interesting Video Game Controversies

… that didn’t involve Grand Theft Auto or Mortal Kombat. With the recent Supreme Court ruling that video games are...

Was DJ Hero a Flop?

The numbers weren’t so good, and DJ’ing isn’t really a group activity. Also, it’s really expensive. And apparently, awesome. Is...

A Virtual Bank With Real Woes

I guess times are bad all over the universe. Uh-oh! Another big bank is the subject of a depositor run...

Star Wars: The Old Republic

This is singularly more awesome than the entire Ep1-3 trilogy! Too bad it’s not actually a movie, and is a...

10 Most Ridiculously Stereotyped Fighting Game Characters

I like the Scottish guy with the urinary tract infection… Topless Robot – The 10 Most Ridiculously Stereotyped Fighting Game...