Jon Stewart’s speech at the Rally For Sanity

Thanks for bringing it all into perspective Jon! YouTube – Jon Stewart’s speech at the Rally For Sanity.

The Christian/Pagan Invasion

Wow, religious people are weird. Christian Nightmares, ‘The Pagan Invasion’: A manipulated Christian…

America’s True History of Religious Tolerance

Interesting concept. Look at actual American histotry to figure out where the concept of a “Christian Nation” came from. From...

Jack Van Impe compared Pat Robertson to Osama bin Laden

Way to go Jack! Jack may be a bit of a weirdo, like when he said hell was in black...

Jesus was an agnostic?

Funny stuff from Cyanide & Happiness. Cyanide & Happiness #2192 –

ICP is about to transform into a Christian cult.

Insane Clown Possee’s new syrupy video paves the way for their transformation to an X-tian cult. The Posse is about...

Derren Brown on Intelligent Design

If the banana is proof that god exists, what does the durian prove? YouTube – Intelligent design: In conversation with...

Fun with gay protest signs

A cute slideshow during the Prop 8 protests. My favourite: “Jesus had two dads and he turned out fine.” YouTube...

Woo! Anne Rice is back … sort of

She’s no longer an X-tian. Unfortunately, I think she still believes in Jebus. Ah well… baby steps. In a dramatic...

Carl Sagan: Consider Again That Pale Blue Dot

Another excellent bit with Carl Sagan. YouTube – Carl Sagan: Consider Again That Pale Blue Dot