Galaxy69: Cool Sci-fi Art

This is some pretty cool sci-fi artwork. Wouldn’t mind driving one of these babies. Galaxy69 is a personal tinker project,...

Did they fake the moon landing?

No. Stop being stupid! Darryl Cunningham Investigates: The Moon Hoax

Carl Sagan: Consider Again That Pale Blue Dot

Another excellent bit with Carl Sagan. YouTube – Carl Sagan: Consider Again That Pale Blue Dot

Carl Sagan: The Pale Blue Dot

A beautiful speech. Brings out the emotional atheist in me. YouTube – The Pale Blue Dot – full speech

Symphonies of Science

4 great videos from melodysheep. You can download them from YouTube – Symphonies of Science

Gyroscopically stabilized CD-players in microgravity

Very cool experiment with portable CD players. In space!