FCC Broadcast Flag Mandate Rejected

The District of Columbia’s Circuit Court says the regulatory agency overstepped its authority. In a move that delighted free speech...

Voters’ Slap Likely to Limit Tony Blair

Prime Minister Tony Blair paid at the polls for his friendship with George W. Bush and his backing of the...

Star Wars producer compares Affleck to Sith Lord.

For those who griped that the “Star Wars” movies have been too kiddie, here comes “Star Wars: Episode III–Revenge of...

Pat Robertson: Judges worse than Al Qaeda

Federal judges are a more serious threat to America than Al Qaeda and the Sept. 11 terrorists, the Rev. Pat...

Its Long Trek Over, the Enterprise Pulls Into Dry Dock

In the sector of planet Earth known as Hollywood, it was business as usual on the Paramount back lot. On...

Test Recipes: Marshmallows

This is pretty cewl. Always wanted to try making marshmallows. “Marshmallows are spongy confections made of sugar beaten into a...

May is International Masturbation Month

Sex may still be one impetus behind the mainstreaming of the internet, but it’s not always about hooking up with...

Scottish ghostbusters have first ‘success’

SCOTLAND’S only squad of ghostbusters have notched up their first success after scaring away spectres that were terrorising a young...

Bush OKs Smut-Stripping Tech

President Bush on Wednesday signed legislation aimed at helping parents keep their children from seeing sex scenes, violence and foul...

Online Dating Meets Cybersex

Would you have cybersex with someone you met through an online dating site? Would you go on a date with...