A Funny Thing to Say About Global Warming

… it is a commentary by Hans Von Storch on concerns about global warming. … [skeptics] totally failed to highlight...

The end is nigh-But was Star Wars good for cinema?

Like it or not, modern cinema can be divided into pre-Star Wars and post-Star Wars, so pivotal is the space...

Star Flops

Everyone makes mistakes. Luke Skywalker rushed out of Jedi training. Han Solo should have paid his debts on time. And...

Live near these and they’ll get you

Supersize this news: The more fast-food restaurants there are in a neighbourhood, the higher the rate of heart disease and...

Mel’s Diner

I’m at Mel’s. I’m cold. It must be 5 degrees in here. I was up early this morning. R needed...

Power Outage

Back at work. Just finished rebooting all the systems and making sure the Internet and firewall are working. Gets nasty...

Quebec to crack down on public smoking

As of January 2006, cigarette-loving Quebec will join the ranks of other Canadian provinces and cities that have banned smoking...

Rambling on about garbage

It’s pretty quiet this morning at Cafe 1842. I’m typing away on my laptop from the corner table, mostly because...

Firefox undercut by security flaws

The Web browser seen by some PC users as the underdog that would upset Microsoft’s Internet Explorer may have run...

Hacking trail leads to Swedish teen

A Swedish teenager is being questioned over a daring internet attack that penetrated thousands of computer systems in the US,...