Posts by D. H. McKee

Sara Palin is…

Wait, what was the last part? Tom The Dancing Bug â.. Comics, editorial cartoons, email comics, comic strips

Slacker Uprising available for free download

You can get the film at Free download of new doc ‘a gift to my fans,’ Moore says Oscar-winning...

The 10 Villains Who Deserved Better

From Topless Robot. I like that they got this guy into the list. From Canadian animation company, Nelvana, back in...

Royal Medieval Fair(e)

Some pictures from the medieval fair this past weekend. I was going to go in costume, but I couldn’t figure...

Stephen Chow to Direct, Star as Kato

And in a split-second, this film became awesome. Stephen Chow to Direct, Star as Kato in The Green Hornet with...

Cool billboard illusions

Some very interesting ad-based optical illusions. Deceiving Billboard Ads – Part I – Mighty Optical Illusions

Meme Breaks 1.0

Jamie Wilkinson has compiled Meme Breaks 1.0 featuring some of Internet.s most famous audio samples in a handy DJ-friendly format....

It’s the Vaders

This would have made an interesting subplot. Noooooooooo! Mr. & Mrs. Darth Vader – Featured Picture on BuzzFeed

Touched by an Atheist

Funny bit on MadTV with George Carlin. YouTube – George Carlin on MAD TV – Touched by an Atheist

MB live piracy map 2008

A neat Google Map of the latest piracy attacks around the world. Piracy attacks map