Posts by D. H. McKee

How To: Stop a 500-Foot Monster

It gets a little heady, but this Wired article does have a good analysis of weapons used in monster movies,...

Canadian leaders deny trying to interfere with U.S. election

Oh yeah, I can see Harper’s crew trying to fabricate a little conflict to get the Republicans back in power....

What? A Tron Sequel?

Sure, IMDB says it’s due in 2010, but we have an almost confirmation that it’ll actually come to be in...

Lobby group “sponsors” university class

An anti-counterfeitting lobby group essentially pulled a Simpsons episode and took over a class at Hunter College. The students were...

WordPress Security Tips and Hacks

I’m no WordPress user, but these look like good tips. With a little modification, they could apply to most other...

Last Starfighter Sequel ??

What’s all this, then? A sequel? I’m surprised Hollywood’s not doing a remake. That’s more their style. More On The...

Wikileaks gets its domain name back

The Judge apparently took some time to defend his initial actions which caused the injunction to proceed in the first...

Saul Bass version of Star Wars credits

Very very cool. Makes me want to see the film again. This was apparently a school project. The song is...

Quebec woman dies during kinky sex

Ironically, this is one of my top 10 ways of hoping to die. Quebec woman dies during kinky sex: police...

Harper could axe “offensive” productions

Crazy bill C-10 got inadvertantly passed into the senate with an overlooked provision that would allow the Canadian Heritage Minister...