Posts by D. H. McKee

That old time, antiquated copyright act

Or maybe it’s not as old as all that. – Blog Archive – The same â..oldâ. line The original...

Muslim helps Jews attacked on New York subway

Oh yeah, the “war” on X-mas. Guess those damn non-Xtians are winning. I wish people would just shut up about...

Consider yourself warned

I was sending a message to my cousin on Facebook, and as I scrolled back up to the menu, I...

Copyright reform stokes the fires

There you go. Protest the CanDMCA bill on Dec. 18th outside Queen’s Park. Tech Bytes: Copyright reform stokes the fires...

Human Evolution Speeding Up

This would explain all my superfluous, vestigial nipples. Human Evolution Speeding Up, Study Says Explosive population growth is driving human...

Videogame Lookalikes

Guy posts video game pictures that look like real people. Also, some of his fans submit their own pictures —...

Arctic Sea Ice Gone in Summer Within Five Years?

We all know this is Al Gore’s fault. Still, it might be a good idea to start buying property up...

Congress to say Christmas is important.

They should have totally stuck a rider on this to say “no more funding for the war in Iraq.” I...

Elaboration of a Flagrant Mistranslation

You did *what* to the fruit? Language Log: The Etiology and Elaboration of a Flagrant Mistranslation A series of earlier...

“Boycott Worked”: Compass Flops

There you go. X-tians taking credit for the modest box office returns of “Golden Compass.” Wonder if they were also...