Posts by D. H. McKee

New shoutcast server

I’ve rebuilt the shoutcast server on Radio Zuckervati, and fiddled with the page code in order to separate the different...

New Cat: Minerva

We picked up the new cat from the vet’s place last week, still recovering from a spaying operation. We kept...

The booze test

I shouldn’t be surprised by this result. If I’d read a little slower, I would have scored perfect. 98%ALCOHOLIC

Fake brands around the world

A funny photoset of fake brands in other countries. Reminds me of the time I almost bought Gillelle razors. Fake...

Futurama’s Back!

I just saw this last night. Where are the rest of them? I’d buy them today. ‘Futurama’ Is Back! Grab...

5 Upcoming Comic Book Movies That Must Be Stopped

I can see where most of these would be crappy. 5 Upcoming Comic Book Movies That Must Be Stopped |...

ChildCare Action Project (CAP) Analysis of “Dogma”

Only a 6 out of 100? Seems to me this film would be used as a benchmark for their ranking...

HammerSpaces: Urban Exploration

I’ve always been interested in urban exploration. Enough so, that I’ve snuck into abandoned buildings, crawled into water pipes, and...

Hushmail turns out to be anything but

I guess PBP (pretty bad privacy) didn’t sound as cool. Hushmail turns out to be anything but – Internet –...

RCMP Won’t Go After Personal Filesharers

Ah, good news. Slashdot | RCMP Won’t Go After Personal Filesharers “The RCMP announced that it will stop targeting people...