Posts by D. H. McKee

Declining P2P Usage in Canada

The Copyright Board of Canada conducted hearings today on the private copying levy. Included as part of the evidence was...

Halloween 2006

Got this thing at work where we all dress up for Halloween. I figured this was my chance to break...

Bush Moves Toward Martial Law

In a stealth maneuver, President Bush has signed into law a provision which, according to Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont), will...

The cargo cult of John Frum

In the morning heat on a tropical island halfway across the world from the United States, several dark-skinned menâ..clad in...

More Heinz Indian Snatch, please

Apparently Australian beanmakers don’t get on the Internet much. They think bulls come from Boston; that there are Jackals in...

Evolution of the Bible

If 40 percent of Americans refuse to believe that humans evolved from earlier hominids, how many will accept that the...

Worst Halloween Costumes of All Time

retroCRUSH: The World’s Greatest Pop Culture Site Sure, the Sweat Hogs were all fairly popular in their day, but to...

Make A Cylon Jack-O-Lantern

Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories – Make A Cylon Jack-O-Lantern The scanning eye of the Cylons is awfully similar to the...

The Worst Congress Ever

To be sure, Congress has always been a kind of muddy ideological cemetery, a place where good ideas go to...

Life goes on …

… and sometimes, not even. That was my little joke to keep this week from being too gloomy. I attended...