Posts by D. H. McKee

Stephen Reed Design

From the melting candle shade, to the hockey stick broom, to the scrabble furniture, this guy comes up with all...

ID vs. SETI, archeology and other sciences

Itâ..s the same tired old argument that ID proponents have applied to archeology, SETI and other sciences. For example, archeologists...

Soviet anti-alcohol posters

Cool gallery of anti-alcohol posters from soviet propaganda era. The Museum of Anti-Alcohol Posters | ミ籍スム.ミクミーミサミコミセミウミセミサム.ミスム.ミオ ミソミサミーミコミーム.ム.

Oh god! Get it off!

I inadvertently bought some Farmhouse Tilsit cheese (the wrapper simply said “Tilsit Cheese”) from the Central Fresh Market on Monday....

Possible band name origins

Bands often have unusual names and here are the origins of some popular bands both past and present. One thing...

Christian Right Propaganda Posters

As outrageous as the Christian Right’s overall agenda is, their specific arguments and beliefs can be worse. I have written...

Toilet costume for kids

According to the website, it’s a “perfect for every potty mouth kid.” Har har. Funny Child Halloween Costume – Toilet...

World League of Despots: Welcome George W Bush

From comedy legend, Terry Jones. Guardian Unlimited | Comment is free | Terry Jones: George Bush’s splendid achievement Of course,...

GOP Raises Religion in Court Race, Calling Democrat an Atheist

Religion has entered the political fray in a race for an appellate court bench in east Texas. The Austin-based Republican...

The Internet? Is that thing still around?

Finally got internet back after 2 weeks of downtime. That’s DSL for you. Unfortunately, it’s meant no surfing from home,...