Posts by D. H. McKee

Missing robot takes a leaf out of sci fi

Philip K Dick is missing. Not the American science fiction writer whose novels spawned hit films such as Blade Runner...

Juno Reactor: Colliding Reactions

Juno Reactor is described as a â..goa trance musicâ. group (a style of electronic music defined by a recurring and...

Canadians live in cabins and drive dogsleds to work

I’m at 1842 this morning, listening in on a conversation between the clerks (servers? coffee-house people?) on some of the...

Canuck mojo helps New Orleans musicians

Top Canadian and New Orleans musicians are joining forces this weekend at a concert to raise awareness and money for...

Google Desktop Boycott Urged

The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital rights advocate, has issued a warning to consumers about using an enhancement to Google...

NDP tells Hargrove to buzz off

Buzz Hargrove has been suspended, not expelled, from the Ontario NDP because of complaints that he broke the party’s constitution...

Music reviews coming soon

Hey there, We’ve set up a special blog on Radio Zuckervati, dedicated to getting music reviews and stream information out...

World at its warmest of past 1,200 years

The last part of the 20th century is considered by many scientists to be the warmest period since modern record-keeping...

A very StarWars Valentine

Hee hee. Everyone knows that Valentine’s Day is a soulless abomination of a holiday invented by an evil consortium of...

What is Freedom Fries Radio?

Freedom Fries Radio came into being after perusing the list of songs banned during the Gulf War, Gulf War II,...