Posts by D. H. McKee

Winchester Pub T-shirt

Pure awesomeness. Get a Shawn of the Dead t-shirt.

Star Wars, meet Adidas

It’s like a mashup of all things pop-culture: soccer, shoes, musicians, and Star Wars. Does it make any sense? No....

I could take 24 Justin Biebers in a fight

But I don’t hit women. This could get tricky. Created by Oatmeal How many Justin Biebers could you take in...

I Have a Bad Cold

Trying a new cough syrup. Tastes like lollipops and poison.

This guy makes lederhosen cool

Pic from last night at the opening of the Biergarten at Concordia Club.

16 Most Gloriously Nerdy Musical Acts

Cool list from Topless Robot. Here’s #9: 9) Kraftwork Germany’s Kraftwork have often been mocked for their cold, mechanical sound...

Iron Man vs Bruce Lee

Pure awesomeness, at least for the first little while. YouTube – Iron Man vs Bruce Lee

Shockwave Rules

Takes serious stones to command Soundwave what to play. YouTube – GameSpot Video Transformers War for Cybertron Storyline Movie2.flv

Putting In

Finally! Now to step the mast.


A short film. Wait for the end. YouTube – SWITCH. A short film by Tyson Hesse