Posts by D. H. McKee

Texas Bans All Marriage

Good for you Texas. YouTube – Texas Accidentally Bans All Marriage

San Francisco cops seizing DJ gear

Looks like quite a problem in San Francisco; cops are randomly seizing peoples laptops and DJ equipment, even if they’re...

Was DJ Hero a Flop?

The numbers weren’t so good, and DJ’ing isn’t really a group activity. Also, it’s really expensive. And apparently, awesome. Is...

How to Make Perfect Playlists

Neat article on making that memorable playlist. The Ever-Important Order The order of a playlist is most important after the...

Time for a Coffee

I’m thinking Starbucks or something in a paper cup. YouTube – COFFEE CUP

Gun, with Occasional Music

Gun, with Occasional Music – Uploaded by Zuckervati. By Jonathan Lethem. A book about hard-boiled detectives, nose candy, and talking...

Maximizing Your Buffet Dollars

… and shortening your lifespan. There are many things to consider here. Some are out to “get their money’s worth”...

Flintstones Garden Shears

Yikes. Where’s the baby elephant vacuum cleaner? YouTube – Piranha-bite test

Sneak Peak at Call of Duty: MW3

OMG, so exciting! Ultra-Realistic Modern Warfare Game Features Awaiting Orders, Repairing Trucks

The Garden Jawa

Like a garden gnome, but will steal your droid, and resell it to a moisture farmer on Tatooine. –...