You are all on notice

I am not the only one upset with the voting fiasco last night. Not only did less than 60% of...

Kentucky Man Sets Cockroach Record

What part of this sounds desirable? And how on earth is this even applicable as a “world record”? I mean...

Red Dragon here

What happens when geeks hijack a thread.

Religion Speed Dating

Further proof that all atheists are hot. YouTube – “…You Believe WHAT?” (A Speed-Date)

John McCain asks YouTube to let him infringe copyright

Oh snap. And we hate those bastards that stifle free speech, don’t we? Stifled by Copyright, McCain Asks YouTube to...

73 votes

So I go out to do my civic duty and vote. On the way out a fat drunk guy with...

Reminder to vote today

Going to vote tonight. I want to make a difference and not just throw my vote away (though any party...

Golden Gate bridge to follow Toronto’s example

This is long overdue. I’ve walked the Golden Gate bridge and it’s a sublime and fantastic architectural masterpiece, overwhelming in...

McCain palling around with terrorists 13

I think most Americans would agree that Saddam Hussein = terrorist. How many are we at now? Huh. I think...

Thunderf00t takedown of creationist Venomfangx

Ooooooooooooooh. And he’s down. First Uri Geller, now this guy. To repeat: Ooooooooooooooh. YouTube – Venomfangx Apologizes to the Internets...