Congress to say Christmas is important.

They should have totally stuck a rider on this to say “no more funding for the war in Iraq.” I...

Elaboration of a Flagrant Mistranslation

You did *what* to the fruit? Language Log: The Etiology and Elaboration of a Flagrant Mistranslation A series of earlier...

“Boycott Worked”: Compass Flops

There you go. X-tians taking credit for the modest box office returns of “Golden Compass.” Wonder if they were also...

Atheists to erect holiday display

Now that’s the way to do it. For the first time a regional atheist group will display a holiday...

How Hollywood Saved God

The man’s got a lot of chutzpah to be dissing LOTR. How Hollywood Saved God This month, New Line Cinema...

New copyright law starts Web storm

Hopefully we can all make a difference. Ingram 2.0 – New copyright law starts Web storm Update: The new...

The Ethyl-Poisoned Earth

The same guy responsible for leaded gasoline also introduced CFCs to aerosols. Nice guy. Damn Interesting – The Ethyl-Poisoned Earth...

New Years at Hannah’s Tapas

We went to eat Tapas on Saturday night, and it looks like Hannah’s no longer offers those great drink specials....

How to Procrastinate

Thought I might pick this book up at some point. It’s from the “Self-Hurt” series. Books : Procrastinate – Knock...

Creationist fired from Evolutionary Biology position

No duh. And yet he’s suing them for $500k. Biologist fired for beliefs, suit says – The Boston Globe The...