Making Faraday Cages

The reality of needing to protect all electronic equipment against EMP from a nuclear explosion over our shores is becoming...

Study says you shouldn’t sit up straight Was Mom wrong? Study says you shouldn’t sit up straight Defying the age-old advice of parents and teachers, a...

Why Are Atheists So Angry?

While Muslim extremists now fly planes into our buildings, saw the heads off journalists and aid-workers, and riot by the...

The Spy in the Fog

It was really foggy out yesterday and today. I happened to have my schway new camera with me, so I...

Immunity upheld in Web libel cases

Web sites that publish inflammatory information written by other parties cannot be sued for libel, the California Supreme Court has...

New Camera

Picked up a sweet deal on a Canon Rebel XTi and a couple of lenses — the stock 18-55 lens...

Going for a blast into the real past

If his experiment with splitting photons actually works, says University of Washington physicist John Cramer, the next step will be...

Student shot with Taser by UCPD officers

UCPD officers shot a student several times with a Taser inside the Powell Library CLICC computer lab late Tuesday night...

Better Than Blood?

Oxycyte is the newest product in a family of compounds known as artificial blood. The search for a synthetic substitute...

Crackdown on drug-impaired drivers

Prime Minister Stephen Harper on Friday vowed to crack down on Canadians who drive after doing drugs, a change that...