The Iran Badge Hoax

Makes us Canadians look like chumps — especially our current leader, who is a chump. The Iran Badge Hoax ||...

National Post apologizes for anti-Iran story

National Post apologizes for anti-Iran story – Yahoo! News Canadian newspaper apologized on Wednesday for a story that said Iran...

God does exist — my flawed logic told me so.

This is a pretty funny site, adapted from a forum on the Internet Infidels. I think this is my favourite:...

Skype latest victim of patent suit

Newark-based internet telephony company, Net2Phone has taken on eBay and its subsidiary peer-to-peer VoIP provider Skype in a lawsuit, alleging...

A good spectacle — police

The anti-terrorism task force was careful about the wording of its news release, saying that the group “took steps to...

New server picture

Well, this is what I’ve been reduced to: placing a hard drive on an old PIII/600 that was transplanted into...

25 Worst Tech Products of All Time

Here’s a great excerpt from their (dis)honourable mentions: Timex Data Link Watch (1995): This early wristwatch/PDA looked like a Casio...

Woman Hit By Lightning While Praying

It seems to me that those who get hit by lightning have probably pissed God off in some way or...

Violent Video Game Marketed Through Mega-Churches

I’m no religious nut, but I gotta say… Ah Christ. Talk To Action | Violent Video Game Marketed Through Mega-Churches...

How Many Condoms Can You Wear at Once?

Some of you may have heard of the practice of â..double baggingâ. â.. wearing two condoms during sex for extra...