Music Submission Boilerplate

For submission requests, please contact: We at Radio Zuckervati have a pretty open music policy, and generally welcome submissions...

Space LEGO Memories

My brother sent me this link. It’s a link to some classic LEGO space ships. We used to play with...

Will Harper be expected to help with Iran?

Harper may not have had time to read it himself, but the foreign affairs people in Ottawa’s Pearson Building will...

Mood Light Shelf

The Mood Light Shelf, an illuminated, colour-changing shelf based on ultra bright LEDs, is the latest newcomer in the multiple...

Hey, sexy mama-bot

Takahashi-san, of Kyotoâ..s Robot Garage, is already famous worldwide as the creator of a series of high performance, and beautifully...

dada poetry 3: striker construction paper

Mmm, delicious hourglass oats, just like Mom used to make. disbelief this shoulder watchdog an neatly, was sadden lately, weather...

Cartoons about the Muhammed Cartoons

This gets pretty meta- to make cartoons based on cartoons. I can’t wait to see the cartoon commentaries they make...

Bill Nye gets in trouble with X-tians

(sigh) ‘The Science Guy’ is entertaining and provocative at MCC lecture The Emmy-winning scientist angered a few audience members when...

14 things to do if you have missed the rapture

I’d be finding myself a new car, but this information’s probably good too. In fact, I’m never trusting *anyone* who...

dada poetry 2: newsletter enamel

This was in the same Junkmail folder. I’m thinking of publishing a book of this stuff. I’m pretty sure no...