Judas cast in new light

One of the greatest villains in history was in truth a hero for the ages, according to an ancient gospel...

“Missing link” between fish/land animals

Scientists have made one of the most important fossil finds in history: a missing link between fish and land animals,...

Affordable In-Home LASIK Surgery

Nice. LASIK@Home How It Works The key to the LASIK@Home system is the Scal-Palâ.¢ Scanning Adjusting Laparoscopic Personal Laser. This...

dada poetry 1: skewed of designation

More dada poetry from a Junk Mail folder. I only moderately edited the piece, and allowed for some formatting changes....

Stephen Harper and the Neo-Con

An interesting blog posting about our favourite new Presidente Prime Minister, by my favourite journalist conspiracy nut, Paul William Roberts....

Something’s Freezing Over

Well, it’s snowing in April, and the Conservatives are in power. Tim Horton’s has IPO’ed, I’ve got an art exhibit,...

DHS Press Secretary Arrested In Internet Bust

Maybe the Governor will intervene, or something. Homeland Security Official Arrested – CBS News Authorities say a deputy press secretary...

24 Wis. Communities Vote for Iraq Pullout

Thousands of voters turned out in Wisconsin to offer a purely symbolic but heartfelt message: Bring the troops home from...

Turf Warrior

Nearly 50,000 square miles of the continental US is covered by lawn, according to estimates by ecologists at NASA’s Ames...

Dream Machines

Interesting commentary by Will Wright, creator of “The Sims”. Wired 14.04: Dream Machines The human imagination is an amazing thing....