Rendition: Tales of torture

The US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, has defended the US against allegations that it ran a network of “ghost...

The Triple Tofu Tower

For those who want to eat like a carnivore. Goodie Bag TV: The Triple Tofu Tower

Students Trade Bibles for Porn

Sweet Jebus, I wish I’d thought of this… XBiz – Students Trade Bibles for Porn A group of atheists at...

Why is Santa such a complete bastard??

I’m going to say he has a chemical disorder, probably Bipolar. The elves sing him a very nice song and...

DoD planting rosy stories in the Iraqi press

This time, someone really does have to be fired. The revelation that Defense Department money, not even authorized by Congress...

Venezuelan Democracy under threat by US

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Democracy under threat In the background, at private meetings on the island of Aruba...

WiFi Research

Reading up on wireless networking at 1842 this morning. I’m trying to figure out an easy (and cheap) way to...

US Patent Office rejects remaining NTP vs RIM patent

The US Patent and Trademark Office has rejected another patent owned by Research in Motion sparring partner NTP, effectively rendering...

Urban Legend: The youngest mother on record was a five-year-old Peruvian girl.

True. Regardless of our squeamishness, we have to note that the claim of a five-year-old girl giving birth is apparently...

Cthulhu Image and Resource Gallery

A clever little resource for all things Cthulhu. It may not be “online the liveliest awfulness,” but it’s pretty darn...