Canada approves same-sex marriage

It was fought in courtrooms, in legislatures, in street protests, and one of the most turbulent debates in Canadian history...

Canadian discovers Atlantis using PC and satellite imaging

Woohoo! Go Canada! Canadian discovers Atlantis using PC and satellite imaging. While searching for the secrets of the Bermuda Tri-angle,...

Ellison Talks Spielberg’s War

Heh. I love this line: “No, you puss-bag. It’s H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds, and it wouldn’t kill you...

Restaurant Review: Ravintola Lehtovaara sucks …

… at knowing anything about digital publishing law. They actually threatened a blogger 80,000 Euros for posting an online letter...

“War of the Worlds” still sucks

Interestingly, there’s not much news about “War of the Worlds”. A search of Google news shows only a mere 8...

Hollywood crisis as summer hits dry up

Steven Spielberg’s movie adaptation, which has its first UK screening tonight ahead of globally coordinated openings later in the week,...

German critics on ‘War’ path over embargo

German film critics are up in arms over Paramount’s worldwide embargo on reviews of Steven Spielberg’s “War of the Worlds”...

What Tom Cruise Doesn’t Know Might Hurt You

The belief that vitamins can cure radiation sickness, cancer and postpartum depression is a well-established psychological condition that is known...

U.S. Supreme Court split on Ten Commandments

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled against the display of the Ten Commandments inside county courtrooms, but said it can...

Condemned to Repeat It

Funny story about a world where the skeptics have lost the battle. Condemned to Repeat It More roughly than what...