Fahrenheit 9/11 among those snubbed by Oscar

While Tuesday’s Oscar nomination announcement confirmed the close race that many critics and Hollywood insiders had expected, some surprises emerged...

Rolling Stone relents, allows Bible ad

The editors of Rolling Stone magazine have reversed their previous decision to reject an ad for a new translation of...

Cotler predicts MPs will pass same-sex bill

The Liberals have the support of enough MPs to pass controversial same-sex marriage legislation scheduled for introduction next week, Justice...

Hollywood Ready for P2P Showdown

The entertainment industry has rounded up dozens of allies to persuade the U.S. Supreme Court to hold internet file-trading services...

Feeling better now

Got a chance to sit quietly for a few short minutes before dinner tonight. Just a little time to spend...

B.C. lesbians fight to hold wedding reception in Catholic hall

A B.C. lesbian couple, who accuse a Catholic men’s group of discriminating against them by refusing to rent them a...

Vegetarian Haggis from Scotland

For those who choke back a gag when thinking of eating haggis. Here’s one of *apparently* many vegetarian haggis recipes...

A hearty side dish for Robbie Burns day

Scottish or not, you can celebrate Robbie Burns day with this hearty side dish. It’s traditionally served with haggis, but...

Inflicting pain on ‘griefers’

As online-game companies court new and wider audiences, many are running into an old problem: “griefers,” a small but seemingly...

Gamers Eye Open Virtual Worlds

Peter Ludlow’s expulsion from The Sims Online may well be the highest-profile player ban in the history of video games....