Partly updated

So I’ve done some updating of the site, at least the main blog pags and some of the navigation images....

Nice day for a bike ride

Oh yeah. Warm out today. Finally good to have some nice weather, even if it’s kind of rainy out. Rain...

The Trunk Monkey

Got a problem? Get a Trunk monkey.

So I collect dishes. So what?

Looking to clean out some of the junk I own right now, to make it easier to move in about...

Girl Scouts not Christian Enough…

CRAWFORD, Texas – Donna Coody disbanded her 7-year-old daughter’s Brownie troop and took her 9-year-old daughter out of another Girl...


Really bored today. I’ve been cleaning up my place in lieu of something to do. There are two things which...

Movie Review: Twisted

It sucks. Big time. Don’t go see this film. Not even if Ashley Judd gives you a boner. I saw...

Blah blah blah

Feeling like I want to go out tonight, but also feeling incredibly lazy. Also, all my friends are sick (Still)...

Inspired animation tools from an uninspired sitcom

Never mind that "Game Over," the new animated sitcom on the UPN Network, isn't very good. Perhaps disappointed viewers can produce something better. UPN is giving them the tools for the task, in the form of a free video game that's more than a game. It's also an introduction to "machinima," a gaming-inspired technology that may become as vital to filmmakers as colored ink was to Walt Disney.

Red vs Blue

Cool comedy "show" based on characters from HALO:
Q: No seriously. What the hell?
A: Oh. We just write scripts and then use videogames to act them out. It's a new style of animation that some people call machinima. It allows to make 4-5 minutes of animation with a small group of people.