Tattoo Ink

Dropping a friend off at Way Cool Tattoos.

Friday Movie Night: The Wasp Woman

From the good folks at, the DRM-free online video store. Many free movies are also available to watch online....

Curb Stomp for Jesus!

Never has a biblical prophet been so insecure about his baldness. Never has one unleased such bad-ass retribution. YouTube –...

Arizona’s new law is racist. Here’s why…

Well, no big surprise here. YouTube – Rachel Maddow- Racist roots of Arizona law


It’s what’s for dinner. Tonight, anyhow.

Star Wars Pin-Up Posters

I can see her dark side… Unreality – A Gallery of Star Wars Pin-Up Propaganda |

Super Slo-mo Tattooing

Ow ow ow ow ow! YouTube – Tattooing

Some Plaza Shops OK

Confirmed that the Al Madina side of the Waterloo Plaza is OK. Thinking of lunching there tomorrow.

Friday Parking Lot

Going home. Looks like everyone else already left.

What’s wrong with the world? Apparently, #scottbaioruinseverything

Whoa, the boy’s going muy loco en la cabeza. Even spawned a new Internet meme. Scott Baio has had some...