Tanning my hide

Pretty tough workout tonight — burned more calories than I took in all day. Now that’s a good bit of...

Ovo-lacto and QMS Printers

I’m at home. I’m enjoying my solitude. Just finished up with a couple of friends and am now trying to...

DSL Jerks

Well, the website’s still up. I’m <sarcasm>glad those good folks at DSL.ca are hard at work</sarcasm>. In reality, I’m not...

The Great Canadian Dream

Here’s what I’m thinking: If I were to own a laptop of some kind, I’d be able to sit in...

I rule.

I rule. Moved and redesigned an entire 16-node computer lab in about half a day. There are a few things...

Big move tomorrow

Big move tomorrow. Gotta plan for it. Our department’s moving into some new digs, and I’m in charge of moving...

Tech Conference 2

One upside to this Tech Conference — free food. Yum, this stuff is good. And what’s that over there? Real...

Tech Conference 1

Can’t get any work done this week since there’s this Tech Conference I absolutely must attend. I also must keep...


Had to work today — on a Sunday yet … real customer issues … restructuring archive tree. Can’t talk in...

Zen Lunatics

I shouldn’t have started reading Kerouac again. Every time I pick up one of his books, I want to run...