Obama’s PDA

President Barack Obama’s got a new Blackberry smartphone. Product Details – Sectéra Edgeâ.¢ SME PED – Overview

Franken to be declared Senate victor in Minnesota

Way to go Al! Franken to be declared Senate victor in Minnesota | Politics | Reuters Democrat Al Franken will...

Music Used During U.S. Military Interrogations

Huh, so they essentially play KOOL FM at them. It’s like being at my gym. FOXNews.com – Music Used During...

Harper’s Last Days

Another funny remix of “Downfall (Der Untergang)”. This time, it’s Stephen Harper. YouTube – The Harper Dictatorship

Canada’s conservatives: a study in stupid

Strong words from Diane Francis. Canada’s conservatives: study in stupid – Diane Francis What is wrong with Prime Minister Stephen...

Harper’s options in the face of current events

Interesting set of options for Harper, with pros and cons. I give you #1 and #10. globeandmail.com: Andrew Steele –...

Newbie troll gets ass handed to them on Metafilter

An obviously right-wing troll who knows nothing about Canadian legislature gets their comeuppance when they posted the following editorialized entry...

US officials flunk test of American civics, history

I scored a modest 81% on this quiz, and I’m not even American. Take it here. US officials flunk test...

A chiropractor?

Good god, Harper’s gone and appointed a chiropractor (Cambridge MP Gary Goodyear) as the new Minister of Science and Technology....

Bush officially most unpopular president

Well, at least he finally accomplished something… go big or go home, eh G. W.? Belief that country heading in...