You are all on notice

I am not the only one upset with the voting fiasco last night. Not only did less than 60% of...

John McCain asks YouTube to let him infringe copyright

Oh snap. And we hate those bastards that stifle free speech, don’t we? Stifled by Copyright, McCain Asks YouTube to...

McCain palling around with terrorists 13

I think most Americans would agree that Saddam Hussein = terrorist. How many are we at now? Huh. I think...

2008 election copyright pledge candidates

I’d just like to point out that Andrew Telegdi, Liberal MP, Kitchener-Waterloo, is not on this list yet, whereas Cindy...

Here’s a cool website that shows up-to-date polls in your riding with suggestions on how to vote strategically. Vote For...

McCain palling around with terrorists 12

Another member (chairman) of the Alaska Independence Party, Mark Chryson. Remember that McCain is inexorably tied to Sarah Palin for...

McCain palling around with terrorists 11

And this one’s a big one. Just to show how big, I’ve added some emphasis. (Remember Vogler from #9) The...

McCain palling around with terrorists 10

Oh, sure, you’re probably thinking “But John Hagee’s a fat blow-hard anti-Catholic who John McCain dropped like a hot, fetid...

McCain palling around with terrorists 9

Well, if it were in a former Soviet state, they might just call them “freedom fighters”. Sarah Palin’s ties to...

McCain palling around with terrorists 5, 6, 7, 8

Here’s a whole bunch to consider. Pensito Review – McCain Attended Fundraiser for Domestic Terrorist …what about McCainâ..s fellow board...