FTC to crack down on “sponsored” blogging

Soon, I won’t be able to tell you about that rich, Colombian coffee I’ve been drinking. Oh yeah … buy...

Revising Movable Type 4’s QuickPost Bookmarklet

Good little tip from BrainLog In MT 4, the QuickPost bookmarklet pre-populates the entry’s title with the title of the...

Changing the Default Upload Location In Movable Type

This is pretty useful, especially when you’re hacking your way around a new 4.2 installation, after having completely customized your...


This is a test post from , a fancy photo sharing thing.

Test entry for new Asset widget

Just testing a new asset widget for Movable Type. Didn’t work, so I fudged the result. This is a cat.

Background publishing in Movable Type

So, say you’re getting a constant error in your daily cron messages when trying to do background publishing in Movable...

Sexy CSS Tips

I could learn a few things here. Sexy CSS Tips | Design You Trust. World’s Most Famous Social Inspiration.

Archival Tools for LiveJournal

Not that LiveJournal’s going out of business anytime soon. Just saying it’s good to be prepared. ljdump – livejournal archive...

Six Apart sells LJ to Russian company

This could spell the end of LJ as we know it. Oh well. That’s why I use my own server....

WordPress plugin for Movable Type

Yes, but why? WordPress Interface for Movable Type (MT Hacks) Why? You may be asking yourself why I would create...