We Didn’t Start the Flame War

This is sooooooo gay. See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. We Didn’t Start the Flame War –...

Zuckervati Magazine

I’ll admit, there were times I fancied myself a writer. I even once thought the idea of getting published in...

Galleries – 50 Epic Super Nerd Photos – 50 Epic Super Nerd Photos_18

Whew. For a moment, I was worried I’d be in one of the pictures. Galleries – 50 Epic Super Nerd...

William Shatner Reads Sarah Palin Farewell Speech

Testify! YouTube – William Shatner Reads Sarah Palin Farewell Speech

Should this be the next cover of Time?

I don’t know, but I’ll tell you one thing: I want a print of it. Zina Saunders at Drawger

G.I. Joe: “That Was Way Too Close!”

I’ll admit, there was way too much laser fighting, way too many parachutes, and way too much Starscream Frank Welker...

YouTube – Billy Mays Tribute

R.I.P. Billy Mays As a bonus, get not one, not two, but three additional funny videos! What a deal!

Movies based on toys

Hey, let’s get Hollywood to ruin all of our childhood toy memories! Funny Videos | Funny Cartoons | More Video...

Another Lame IQ Test Ad

Oh, I know it’s an ad, for crying out loud. And I know it might be difficult for someone from...

Unfortunate Domain Names

From 11points.com. Unfortunately, their permalinks aren’t working, so you may never see the article. Fortunately, I put the best ones...