48+ Publishing Resources You Should Know About

Here’s a pretty decent list of publishing links for the aspiring writer. Some good research here, from graphic design apps to online courses. Most of the distribution stuff is probably well-known.

Note that this list is meant to provide a starting point for your research into service providers for a variety of projects, but it’s not a fully comprehensive list of every service available. We also haven’t personally used or worked with most of these providers, so it’s up to you to vet these (and any other) publishing services before investing money. We encourage you to read reviews, talk to fellow book marketers, see if you can do a test or sample project first, and learn as much as you can about a service provider before committing to a big spend. But hopefully the list below will point you in the right direction for whatever project you’re looking to launch next!

Source: 48+ Publishing Resources You Should Know About

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