Posts by D. H. McKee

The Impossible Project

Oh, this is great! We aim to re-start production of analog INTEGRAL FILM for vintage Polaroid cameras in 2010. We...

Background publishing in Movable Type

So, say you’re getting a constant error in your daily cron messages when trying to do background publishing in Movable...

Obama’s PDA

President Barack Obama’s got a new Blackberry smartphone. Product Details – Sectéra Edgeâ.¢ SME PED – Overview

Daft Punk vs. Adam Freeland – OBAMA

Pretty cool mixed-media stop motion music video and celebration commemorating the election and inauguration of Barack Obama. YouTube – Daft...

Middle Ages Tech Support

I swear I took a call like this once. YouTube – Medieval helpdesk with English subtitles

NFB: Lonely Boy

Wolf Koenig’s 1962 short cinema vérité film about Paul Anka.

Swiss Bike

Cool bike designed for paratroopers while jumping out of planes. This would make a great portable bike for our sailboat...

Sharkraptor beans

I hope the store has this. I’m going to by a friggin case. Dinosaur v. Shark

Joining the Mile High Club

While brief, this list actually clears a few things up. Apparently solo sex doesn’t get you into the club. Quick...

Ancient S.A. civilization doomed by earthquake

In retrospect, maybe locating your city on a tectonic plate boundary isn’t such a good idea. I’m looking at you,...