Posts by D. H. McKee

The 9 Most Racist Disney Characters

Seems like only the “who” of racism changed over the years. The 9 Most Racist Disney Characters | These...

Daft Punk dancers

Nothing says sexy more than two chicks with aluminum foil boxes on their heads. No seriously.

Rodriguez Avoids â..Clash of the Titansâ.

I think this would be kind of cool. Too bad it’s just a rumour. Rodriguez Avoids â..Clash of the Titansâ....

Jenkem: Urban Legend to Drug Scare

Are kids across America really getting high on fermented feces, or has our national drug panic finally gone too far?...

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush

A very sobering commentary. The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush: Politics & Power: When we look back someday at...

Poor Kitty

Had a couple of tense moments on the weekend. China, my white cat, was acting strangely: well-behaved, quiet, no struggling...

New web server

The website is a little fragile today. I switched servers, and moved everything offsite, so some things are still a...

More Zen Moments

Since we’re on the Zen theme, I figured I’d post this picture of Zen Gardens, a neat vegetarian restaurant beside...

And now for my moment of Zen

I’ve had this card key in my pocket since San Francisco, and I thought I’d scan it. It’s really a...

Atheists and Anger

Very cool rant by a very cool, and very angry atheist blogger. Greta Christina’s Blog: Atheists and Anger I’m angry...