Posts by D. H. McKee

The Unicorn Museum

I want to believe … in unicorns. Unicorn Museum – Unicorns, Evolution, Science, Dinosaurs, Family, Christian Worldview – Unicorn Museum...

New server and MT Beta testing

I’ve been busy getting a new hosted server online, and it’s still a few weeks away from going live. I’ve...

Top 10 Outdoors Adventures

Huh. It should say “top 10 most expensive outdoor activities. Here’s one — I bet it doesn’t include the price...

Dude, where’s my cross?

I think he was the dumb Baldwin. Dude, where’s my cross? | Salon Life Stephen Baldwin preaches to teens that...

Music Review: electron love theory

A little while ago, I received a press kit from Jeff at electron love theory (yup, all lowercase), a Seattle-based...

Alanis Morissette version of “My Humps”

Is it wrong to still think this is sexy? YouTube – Alanis Morissette “My Humps” video

Get Ready for MT4

Don’t think I won’t be upgrading to MT4 when it’s available…. Six Apart – Movable Type News – Partners: Get...

A Reducibly Complex Mousetrap

An excellent physical (not philosophical) rebuttal of Behe’s mousetrap analogy. A reducibly complex mousetrap Creationist Michael Behe has been attracting...

WoW: Wrath of the Lich King Revealed

Cool. Maybe I will get into this game after all. WoW: Wrath of the Lich King Revealed news from

Early Friday morning in Waterloo

I was heading to 1842 (the coffee shop I used to go to all the time) and decided it was...