Posts by D. H. McKee

US split would damage morale

Prime Minister Tony Blair has told Cabinet colleagues that any open disagreement with the US over Iraq risked damaging troops' morale.
The point was also underlined by Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon, said Mr Blair's official spokesman.
He said their comments came during a brief Cabinet discussion about progress towards the handover of sovereignty in Iraq on June 30.
Mr Blair's remarks came after Tory leader Michael Howard urged him to be more open about any disagreements with America.

Pentagon finds more prison abuse photos

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Another disc with 24 photographs depicting "apparent abusive acts by U.S. forces" has surfaced in the investigation of mistreatment of Iraqi detainees at a U.S.-run prison near Baghdad, the Pentagon says.
Thirteen of the photographs appeared to be images already seen in the international media, but 11 have not been identified in previous investigations, according to a Pentagon letter to the Senate Armed Services Committee.
"They may not be original or true photographs," Powell Moore, assistant defence secretary for legislative affairs, wrote to the committee.
He said they were given to the Criminal Investigation Command in Baghdad "under circumstances that warranted investigation, including forensic computer evaluation."

Going to Australia

Going to be in Australia for a little break. Going to visit my brother there for his wedding (yes, he...

Abuse Soldier Given Maximum Punishment

The US soldier guilty of abusing Iraqi captives has been given the harshest possible punishment by a court martial.The first hearing into the abuse at Abu Ghraib prison saw specialist Jeremy Sivits receive a one year's jail, reduction in rank and bad conduct discharge.Choking with emotion, military policeman Jeremy Sivits had claimed he had been told intelligence officers told soldiers to carry out the abuse.
His testimony has lifted the lid on abuse at the facility, with Sivits, 24, naming colleagues who had carried out the acts.
He said: "They said they were told by military intelligence for them to keep doing what they were doing to the inmates because it was working - they were talking."
Sivits admitted knowing the torture was wrong but followed suit anyway.

Moore speaks out on prisoner abuse

Michael Moore is back in Cannes, this time with anti-Bush film Fahrenheit 9/11, and he's even angrier than when previously here with 2002's Bowling for Columbine.
This latest film shows shocking footage of abuse similar to the photos that recently came to light. American soldiers put bags over the heads of Iraqis and ridicule them while posing for photos alongside them.
Moore claims that the American media have covered up such images. He's incredulous at how easy it was for his team to get footage of Iraqis being mistreated.

Nightclub ‘chips’ punters

A Spanish nightclub is giving guests the chance to pay for drinks and admission using a tiny microchip implanted under the skin.
By waving the part of the body containing the chip over a scanner, money is automatically deducted from their bank accounts.

Childless couple told to try sex

A German couple who went to a fertility clinic after eight years of marriage have found out why they are still childless - they weren't having sex.
The University Clinic of Lubek said they had never heard of a case like it after examining the couple who went to see them last month for fertility tests.

Barbie’ drug could make people slim, tanned and sexy

Scientists in the US are working on a 'Barbie drug' that gives people a tan, makes them lose weight and increases their sex drive.
Scientists at the University of Arizona told Eyewitness News 5 they came across the drug while looking for ways to help people avoid skin cancer.
They tested a hormone, melanotan 2, on a group of men hoping it would stimulate a natural tan without the aid of sunlight.
But, to their surprise, they found it also seemed to work as a sexual stimulant and they say it should also help people lose weight.

Virtual devils curse Internet church

LONDON (Reuters) - The world's first Internet church has fallen victim to a plague of virtual demons, some of whom have been logging on as Satan and unleashing strings of expletives during sermons.
The "Church of Fools" was launched last week as a unique chance for Christians to worship interactively by choosing a "3D" animated character who could kneel, sing hymns, talk to others, hear a sermon, or shout "Hallelujah".
The site attracts between 5,000 and 10,000 worshippers daily and those who log on can also give money to a collection plate via mobile phone.

‘Everyone knew about abuse’ claim

Iraqi detainees were forced to crawl through broken glass and wear women's sanitary products, according to the female American soldier who has become the face of the prisoner abuse scandal.