Posts by D. H. McKee

Count von Count is Awesome

The dude’s a bleeping machine. YouTube – The Count Censored

Canadian Actor Corey Haim Dies

RIP Corey. Died from an apparent drug overdose. Wait, did I get that right? There. Much better. Ah, I kid....

Tron Legacy Official Trailer

Oh. Your. God. I caught myself rewinding just to check the release date. Damn it! I have to wait until...

Awful Awful Food: In-N-Out 100×100

Sooooo wrong. @whatupwilly!: In-N-Out 100×100

Monster â.¦

Cryptobiological containment and rescue services. A book by A. Lee Martinez. It’s about a guy named Monster who captures monsters....

What Would Penis Do?

Yes, what would penis do? YouTube – What Would Penis Do? – Tales Of Mere Existence

Break No Bones

Another Kathy Reichs book. This one’s really exciting, but you can see the twist coming from a mile away.

Evolution made easy

Another awesome video from Thunderf00t. YouTube – Evolution for IDiots (remix)

Cue Gay Anti-Gay Republican Hypocracy Controversy

I’m shocked! Shocked! Well, not that shocked. Early Wednesday morning, State Sen. Roy Ashburn (R-Calif.) was pulled over and arrested...

Tim Burton’s New Movie

I think I saw this one already. See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. Tim Burton’s Secret Formula...