Posts by D. H. McKee

10 Classic Albums That Accidentally Ruined Music

Interesting list. Here’s a sample: Paul’s Boutique – Beastie Boys First off, I’m pretty sure that Paul’s Boutique has more...

Essential Cougar Terminology

Remember, it’s Jaguar, Cougar, Puma. Interesting terminology list stemming from a largely Canadian term for Vancouver Canucks groupies. Essential Cougar...

Leather Maiden

Another Joe R. Lansdale book. With coffee. At 1842.

Post-Boxing Dim Sum

A good reward for a big workout.

Set Yourself Free

Makes the comparison between God and an abusive boyfriend. YouTube – Set Yourself Free

She and Her Cat

Cute little anime story. Worth a watch. YouTube – She and Her Cat

Friday Morning at Starbucks

Accidentally asked for a “large” coffee today. My bad.

Sailing the Caribbean, the Frugal Way

Fantastically cheap way to sail in the Caribbean. I think I found a way to use up those vacation days...

Mister Jinnah: Securities

By Donald J. Hauka. A savvy Kenyan crime writer tracks down a killer in Vancouver while he tries to get...

Teach the Controversy

Philosopher A.C. Grayling explains that teaching alternate theories of evolution are stupid counterproductive. YouTube – RDF TV – “Teach the...