Atheist soldier sues army, received threats

Pretty bad situation here. It’s even worse that 96% of the 5500 complaints received by the Military Religious Freedom Foundation,...

China running out of steam

Yikes! Literally. It won’t be long before they start experimenting with atomic-powered supermen. China down to 12 days of coal...

How to go into debt on $100,000 a year

It’s actually pretty easy. Here’s how… When $100,000 makes you Go Broke: The Invisible Hand Forces Americans Into Debt. –...

50 best cult books

Update: Is this list still relevant? Let’s see … Jack Kerouac, Aldous Huxley, JD Salinger, L Ron Hubbard. Yep, still...

“Eating Local” Has Little Effect on Global Warming

Yes, but what does it say about eating at your local Denny’s? “Eating Local” Has Little Effect on Warming, Study...

Expelled film sued over use of song

It seems like they did *everything* wrong when making this film. Yoko sues filmmakers over Imagine | Entertainment | Reuters...

Artist’s CC Artwork Stolen, Republished

Canadian artist finds his Web-published Creative Commons artwork and interviews were stolen and republished into a coffee table book, selling...

Editing file upload locations with Live Writer

Testing out Windows Live Writer with the options that Brandon sent me. In this case, I’ve opted for the registry...

Woman, 77, guilty of murder

It was a strange case of murder most convoluted. Like something straight out of a bad film noir. It was...

Testing Windows Live Writer

This is pretty weird. I’m trying out the Windows Live Writer interface for blog posting. I’ll admit I was a...