Bone Adventure Game Available Now

Telltale Games announced today that Bone, an adventure game based on Jeff Smith’s popular comic book series, is now available...

Rusty Nails and Obscenities

I got some more work on the garage/studio yesterday. Finished insulating the soffits and clearing mouldy junk out of the...

Severe Hurricanes Increasing, Study Finds

A new study concludes that rising sea temperatures have been accompanied by a significant global increase in the most destructive...

One nation (not always), under God (since 1954)

We get so fixated on which version of the Pledge of Allegiance that we want to strong-arm children into reciting...

Reciting Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional, judge rules

In a ruling Wednesday that reverberated all the way to U.S. Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts’ Senate confirmation hearings,...

Ontario Women Win Against Sharia Law

In Saudi Arabia, Sharia law has been used to prevent women from driving. In Nigeria an Islamic court sentenced a...

No Work in Store for Me

Staying up late to do some work for a customer that never materialized. The work, not the customer. My contact...

National Geographic Hurricane Article

Pretty prophetic. I’m just waiting for the earthquake in L.A. now…. Louisiana’s Wetlands @ National Geographic Magazine Thousands drowned in...

Urban Legend: Image shows Bush as one of the worst disasters to hit the U.S.

True. (hee hee) Captions accompanying television news broadcasts have to convey information about often complex topics in relatively few words, a situation which can sometimes produce inadvertently humorous ambiguity. [bush_worst_disaster.jpg]

Urban Legend: Willy Gilligan?

Nearly everyone who has ever watched television is the western world is at least passingly familiar with Gilligan’s Island. The...