Perplex City Faces Reality Check

It sounds like the back story for a cheesy Keanu Reeves vehicle: The Receda Cube has been stolen from the...

Killer 7: Death by Boredom

You’ve never played a video game quite like Killer 7. Sure, other adventure games have featured shockingly mature themes, off-the-wall...

It’s Wednesday, Maggie

It’s Wednesday. I’m sitting by the window at 1842, finishing off a double espresso. I didn’t eat any breakfast, and...

Sinapore’s got Transformers!

Pretty keen flash CGI animation of a naval ship transforming into a robot. It’s acthually an ad for the Singapore...

Google Maps – a new way to slack off at work.

Heheh. I know the Google Maps Mania guy. And yes, he is a Canadian. Earth to Google… | Earth to...

Guild Wars: New Screenshots

... taken within the explorable areas that will be featured in the Guild Wars free Summer Update: Sorrow's Furnace. Find one image from Grenth's Footprint, and one from Sorrow's Furnace, in The Gallery. guild_wars_screen1.png

80 years after the Scopes Trial

In the summer of 1925, a young teacher named John Scopes was tried and, after a famous trial that lasted...

Johanson’s sex show cancelled

Sex counsellor Sue Johanson’s Sunday Night Sex Show is ceasing production, a spokesperson for the W network confirmed Monday. However...

Ultimate Habbo Cheats

Here's something that got me thinking. Many of the people hitting my site are looking for help with HabboHotel, this weird, yet kitschy online chatroom where you play a little Lego-esque avatar, and walk them through this big hotel, getting scammed by every little 13 year old in Britain. Why if you do a search on Google com for "how to change your habbo hotel character into a sith lord", you get my site on the first try. I'm still not sure I'm ranked first on this search, but what can you do? oogle_habbo.png So, I figured I'd help out by giving you some cheats for Habbo Hotel.

Here's the guide to all the Habbo cheats there are!

On Installing Canoe Gunwales

Sunday and Monday went to working on the canoe for a bit… Apparently I’ve got a deadline, and this canoe...