Last minute mayhem

Worked a short day today, what with it being X-mas eve. Came in a little early to deal with a...

Fade to Black in Canada’s Film Work

The Panavision delivery truck packing up camera equipment at the end of a “West Wing” shoot may be the last...

Google: Hacker’s Best Friend?

The first exploitations of Google’s (Nasdaq: GOOG) peculiar search algorithms were humorous, political, or both. I’m referring the once-popular procedure...

New Trojan Threatens Smart Phones

A new Trojan horse aimed at smart phones using Symbian operating system galloped in earlier this week, just in time...


Blogging from the Starbucks at King and Weber this morning (thanks to a GSM wireless card, and no thanks to...

The Great Internet Porn-off

How long can you porn surfers go without your cyber-booby fix? 100 of them decided to find out.

Scared of Santa photo gallery

Nothing says Happy Holidays like a photo of sweet little toddlers screaming at Santa. It’s hard to pick a fav,...

9/11 Legislation – Misguided Data-Mining and Domestic Surveillance Schemes

On Friday President Bush signed into law the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (IRTPA; PDF), launching several...

Hayao Miyazaki’s “Howl’s Moving Castle”

Based on Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones. Howl’s Moving Castle follows the story of young Sophie Hatter, a...

Berlin Now Has an Eatery for Anorexics

In the heart of Berlin’s trendy Tiergarten district, where cozy caf�s and sprawling “biergartens” nestle alongside elegant eateries, there’s a...